Power Mill Park

Power Mill Park, originally uploaded by GinaMoe.

If you have not already guessed (my loyal 18 readers) I’ve decided to come back out of cyber-obscurity. Due to a series of isolated encounters I thought it best to pull the plug but as they say, when it comes to the internet things move quickly. So my break was a blip on the blogging radar.

Outside of the internet psychology is not as quick; it’s an internal event that takes far more time. I wanted to gain perspective and I thought that through change, contradiction and patience I would grow. But I feel now after spending a few hours trapped in a snow storm in Power Mill Park that constant change leaves me with nothing left, nothing unchanged. I can’t expect to find perspective when a value has not been held for a single moment. So here I am left surrounded by what I am and have always been. A silly loud square peg stuck surrounded by a world of round holes.