An afternoon without a Blackberry.

Sunday at the Memorial Art Gallery, originally uploaded by GinaMoe.

I’ve really grown tired of reading and hearing about “these times”, I woke up this morning and decided my usual coffee and blogs was not helping the annoyance. It was all making me a little stir crazy so I thought a break and some time out of the house would do me good. It has been sunny lately but usually upstate winters are long and grey. So I threw on my sneakers and spent the better part of my afternoon in the Memorial Art Gallery.
I know it’s a small gallery in comparison to others in larger cities but I love the collection especially Binh Danh’s prints and Walter Goodman’s, Print sellers Window. I think what I love most about the collection is it’s ability to please. I find little changes my mood more then an afternoon spent in the portorate rooms of the mid 1800’s. I think those that love the seriousness or emotion of post WWII art or the irony of the past two decades would keel over at the thought. It’s just much easier to get lost in the small lace details of the womens high collars and the mens cuffs then it is to be faced with desperation or frustration. When I want to escape “these times” I visit the affluent subjects of the portrait rooms.

So a challenge! Turn off those computers for an afternoon. Just three house walk away (leave those Blackberrys and Iphones behind), grab some coffee, take the dog for a walk, do what ever you’d be doing if all those electronic distractions just disappeared. I highly recommend it.

(note: the conflict of you reading this on a computer is not lost on me……so stop reading!

I mean it turn off the computer………)